Monday 2 January 2012

31 Dec 2011 - Can't wait for the pharmacist

I had this idea that I might start with just two meal replacements with normal evening meal as a way of preparing myself for the more extreme programme with Optifast that I was going to start in the New Year.

I have to say that at this stage, my wife was not very convinced.  She is following Weight Watchers and advocates exercise and healthy eating, just as the doctor initially suggested.  However, she is not a diabetic or on medication for blood pressure which was my added motivation for the Optifast plan.

While she was out, I jumped into the car and headed to my local ASDA to see what they sold since they were mentioned in the Daily Mail article I mentioned previously.  I looked at these large tubs of meal replacement shakes.  True that they only cost £4 for nine servings but there was not much variety and I wasn't sure I wanted to buy so much of one flavour - I might have if they did a vanilla flavour but they only sold tubs of chocolate, coffee or strawberry.  I would have preferred it also if they had some soup meal replacements.

Something else caught my eye - a starter box of 5 shakes and 2 soups branded 'The Biggest Loser' which was tied in with the TV programme of the same name.  It was £19.97 for the box so I thought I would give it a go and see how I felt using these type of products.  By the way, on the way home I saw a Tescos and decided to pop in to see what they sold.  They had this same 'Biggest Loser' starter pack for £14.47.  Feeling depressed at such a large difference in price, I bought the Tesco box and returned to ADSA for a refund.

It was lunch time when I got home and tried my first shake - Cherry flavour.  It was not too bad - it did have a powdery texture though so maybe I'll use more water next time but it taste ok.  I was surprised at how full I felt and how quickly my hunger was gone and was feeling optimistic about this concept.

We were going out in a group of 12 to a pub/restaurant for New Years eve.  I was very good - I went for a vegetarian option and I didn't have any alcohol or tea/coffee.  So far so good.

I slept in late the next day and missed breakfast but used a vegetable soup meal replacement at lunch with normal dinner in the evening (turkey again!).  No biscuits or snacks at all during the day.  Will stay at this plan until I hear from the pharmacist on Tuesday, 3 Jan, as to whether he can get Optifast for me.

p.s. one of the persons that was in the group of 12 for New Year Eve that had not been part of our NYE dining group in previous years was a coach from the local gym.  Two years ago, I went to the gym on a doctors referral for 6 weeks and then I carried on for about another 6 months and this guy was my coach - so I felt suitably guilty and resolved to at least go swimming 2 or 3 times a week in the New Year.  Can only be good.   


  1. I was very interested to read about your interest in Optifast. I live in Australia and used it for 2 weeks to kick start a weight reduction programme. It has taken me a year, but I lost 38 kg and am down to my goal weight, have reversed my type ll diabetes and no longer need a CPAP machine to help me sleep. The benefits of this stuff are enormous. I am coming to UK for 4 months soon and found it is not available without a script. I received this letter from Nestle:
    "Unfortunately, Optifast is not available over the counter in the UK and Ireland. In order to obtain Optifast, you will require a private prescription from you GP, which must be paid for in full on collection from a pharmacy, or a specific ordering card to complete. This order card can only be obtained from a Bariatric Consultant or Dietitian. The card is then sent, along with payment, onto our fulfilment agency who will dispatch the Optifast to you directly. The current cost of an initial 2 week course is approximately £150 -£160. "
    What a load of b@##$%ks! so I will be bringing my own with me. I use it for maintainance now (about 4 -5 meals a week and find this keeps me in my weight zone. Good luck with your quest, it really is well worth while. It used to be on prescription only here in Australia but now I can buy it over the counter at 17 ppounds for 8 sachets.

    1. Hi Norman - very interesting what you say. I have just updated my blog following my conversation with Nestle just now. It seems to me that they are trying to keep Optifast in the UK as a product only for people about to undergo gastric band surgery who are required not to eat solids for two weeks before surgery, hence why Nestle will only sell Optifast as a two week programme. They don't want to admit that Optifast is just another diet product like the other meal replacement products on the market place so that they can maintain their high prices.

    2. I am From Macomb Michigan and am really grateful and thankful for what Dr Melena Anderson has done for me and my family. I Was having HEP B for good three years with no solution, the diseases almost took my life and cause I was unable to work and I was also loosing lots of money for medication, but one faithful day when I went online, I met lots of testimonies about this Dr, so I decided to give it a try and to God be the glory he did it. he cured me of my diseases and am so happy and so pleased to Write about Dr Melena today. if you need his help of you also want to get cured just the way I got mine, He render vaccine for these diseases HIV/AIDS, CANCER, HERPES, ALS e.t.c For more information on how to get cured contact him on his active email:,

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  3. hi there. I've found this very interesting as I've been trying to get Optifast too, but find it far too expensive. my concern is that all other similar products are stuffed with sugar, which seems counter-productive if we're trying to rid ourselves of diabetes. i wanted to know if you can tell me what ingredients are in Optifast? specifically any sugar or similar please? the other supplements have huge quantities of sugar in them. I'm also disappointed at the doctors concerns/reticence regarding any support for the diet regime. very short sighted. although I havent actually asked mine yet, but am fairly sure they will be too nervous to support it! grrrh.
